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Collective Sharikov Eats Trump: Why Persecution in Science Has Started in the USA

Look at the American version of the "Leninopad", the struggle against historical monuments and historical memory - funny, but slightly scary. The US is a country with a fairly large arsenal of nuclear, conventional and even financial weapons of mass destruction, which, when hit in the wrong hands, can inflict enormous damage on the entire planet. The United States is plunging into chaos with frightening speed, and the main indicator of the acceleration of the process of chaoticization can be considered the ease with which participants in an internal political conflict use in their internal confrontation those political technologies that were previously used exclusively outside. From the point of view of social technologies, now in America there is a civil war with the use of the political technology equivalent of nuclear weapons. The tools used by the team of "globalists" (conditional group "Soros and Clinton") are not designed for selective use. When the Trump team made the decision to respond symmetrically, the American "laziness" in Seattle began - and it became clear that the chaotic process was approaching the point of no return.

Chinese lesson for America and for us: underpinnings and the art of hating In the States, not the heirs of the Confederates and the Yankees are fighting among themselves, although this explanation seems tempting at first glance. The main differences are connected with the image of the future of the United States and the image of the past of the United States that is correct. The cohort of American globalists and its ideology very much resemble an evil parody of the radical "red" 1920s of the 20th century, but this is a very wicked parody. As a "class of oppressors," not wealthy corporate owners are designated, but white heterosexual men who, according to modern American leftists, should be incredibly ashamed for being white, for being heterosexual, and for being men . Accordingly, they must pay and repent for everything: for slavery, social inequality, environmental problems, for the fact that the African-American population has low incomes and poor grades in the school. Separately, one must repent for historical science and art, which allegedly reflect the misogyny, patriarchal and racist set of values ​​of "white heterosexual men" and are declared the source of all the bad, and the main beneficiaries of the system of exploitation of all other social groups. For the man of Russian civilization, all of the above sounds like nonsense, but this is practically the official ideology of a very aggressive and very influential part of American society and the American elite. For the globalist elite such a toxic ideology is a tool of war with Donald Trump and his supporters, but this tool can not be applied point-by-point, which means that a civil conflict is inevitable.

What's your name? Robert Lee ?! Sit better together The penetration of this misanthropic ideology into American life has gone so far that it comes to curiosities. ESPN sports commentator Robert Lee was removed from the air due to the fact that his name and surname coincide with the name and surname of the general who commanded the army of southerners during the Civil War, the monument to which was recently demolished with a scandal (although this Li is an Asian) .

The well-known and very influential American NGO ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) was forced to make an official apology, because on its advertising poster in support of freedom of speech was depicted a white child holding an American flag. The claim of the supporters of political correctness lies in the fact that this poster is racist. Another example of failure of common sense and a sense of proportion - a scandal with the dismissal of Google programmer and biologist James Deymora who dared to say that men and women differ from each other at a biological level, and brought in support of their, in general, Banal statement a whole series of scientific evidence. Realizing that defeat the thesis of "men and women - different" in a scientific field can not be, the American press and fighters against the "white male chauvinism" is easy to go to the next logical step and raised the shield on the thesis "Science - it's not true." It seems impossible, but it was under such a title that the popular Slint edition of Clinton's supporters came out. "Stop equating" science "with the truth!" - it calls its readers.

When a part of society begins to seriously think that if scientific facts do not coincide with their any political theory, then the worse for the facts, and their political opponents decide to descend to their level and avenge the demolition of the monument to General Lee demolition of the monument to Lenin, to be in trouble.

The supporters of "racial and social justice" do not have persuasions and exhortations, but they already felt the taste of blood - they felt "what can be done." America, in which marchers "for justice" carry a poster with the inscription "All my heroes are killing policemen," and the mainstream media pretend that it is right, can no longer be a stable state.

Therefore, Trump in vain appeals in his Twitter to the logic and in vain asks about whether to demolish the monument now slave owner George Washington. Now his opponents have a new goal - after all, the war goes not only for the image of the future, but also for the image of the past. Whoever controls the past controls the future, wrote Orwell - and was largely right. Opponents of Trump need that all the good that is in America, began with the election of Barack Obama, and all that was before it was declared an endless gloom, horror, and the historical US itself - prison and concentration camp. If this continues, then soon we will hear demands to rename the city of New York, because it was named not in honor of the English York, as many think, but in honor of the Duke of York, who was a shareholder of the largest British slave trade company.

To the lesbian premiere of Disney: no matter where the West rolls, if only without us Over the past decade in the United States there was a whole layer of ball, for which the ideal is not to create a just society, and not even a society built "take away and divide" on the principle and the society in which someone else (it is desirable that it was white, Conservative, heterosexual man) will forever pay for the consumption of "professional oppressed" - and at the same time feel that he has not atoned for the historical guilt of his ancestors before them.

Once upon a time, the collective West, and especially the United States, perfectly mastered the art of transforming their internal historical conflicts into sources of inspiration and power, posthumously attracting hostile historical personalities to work on imperial propaganda and imperial identity. In London, there is a plaque to William Wallace - the hero of the struggle for independence of Scotland. And in London you can find monuments to mortal enemies - King Charles I and Oliver Cromwell. Until recently, in the States, calmly and even with some hidden pride, belonged to the monuments of the Confederates and the symbolism of the "free South." In any ways, the history of the country was "sewed" in such a way that the conflicting cultural, ethnic, political and civilizational identities did not fight among themselves, but worked as a team, complementing their national identity with their strengths.

The proposals to "conquer" civil wars or "recollect and resolve" historical insults were instruments of undermining geopolitical opponents such as Russia (the USSR) or problematic colonies such as India. The tools worked very efficiently, and now the time has come when, within the intraspecific war in the United States, weapons were used, which before had been applied only to external enemies. The image of the past, which unites the country, is spreading at the seams - and thus plunges into chaos the image of the future. From the side you can clearly see how stupid it looks and how bad it will end.

And the main lesson that we should learn from this is that we do not have to be like our American opponents. The proposal or temptation to "finish" a civil war in political or any other sense must be answered with a firm refusal, realizing that such a proposal can not come from someone who wishes the good of our Motherland. But if in the USA they still do not stop and decide to reproduce their Civil War in modern conditions, then, probably, this situation will need to be viewed not as a tragedy, but as a chance. It will be better if the vacuum of power left behind by the United States of America on the world stage will be filled by Russia, and not by someone else.

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