Investments, as a continuous process.

The second article in the series of ideas for all time Recently I received one comment on my article
(Speed and pressure in a start-up or business does not tolerate logging.February 23, 2018), in which a consultant from some kind of consulting group with the name Nick and Russian surnames Popov, seriously tried to explain the reasons for the loss of the German Empire in the First World War in that they used the principle of Russian Generalissimus Suvorov "Speed and onslaught," and that this is easily the basis for the death of this empire, amused me and honest people (not in vain did he instantly later gave his comment). Imagine, you get such a specialist consultant in real life, what kind of advice he can advise you. The usual principle in chess is, think first, then go or say, and not vice versa. This principle is true every time you consider your ideas for your company's development plan, or simply answer the questions. It does not matter whether you do it on a block platform or for your real company. Each of you can create a system that will bring you revenue, at the expense of your new goals and your new investors. How to create it, such a system? Let's understand.
To begin with, what do you do, as an owner or business manager? That's right, you are engaged in sales, management, business building. You are sure that your sales will bring you profit and in general you are right, there it . is really laid. But always, when you are doing these things, you need to know your Strategy for 3 you cut off other markets Moreover, with these words, you said, I will not study anything else. This is another mistake. What is the solution? The solution is to create new motivated teams with new leaders for your new direction, under your mentorship and with your experience. Business has changed. This will be exactly what will make you think about attracting capital again. I know most entrepreneur years ahead. What is your Strategy now? Oh, I hear your answers !! .. No, not that ... Your global strategy is to become a leader and keep, and increase the share of your market. Now consultants will come running and tell how to do and write a strategy. You need it? Maybe someone needs it. But.. My principles for companies of different stages will be different. But there is something in common that unites them. You must have money to do what you want to do. Money and a wonderful team.
Recently, I listened to the speech of German Gref, president of Sberbank, to his employees. I was amazed, one very important thought is the use of computer intelligence to create strategies. You know, this is really dangerous, for Sberbank competitors, because the next step will be the use of artificial intelligence in the development of companies. This will change not only very much the business itself, it will affect the lives of many people. What are the principles that I advise. Once again I will say that the principles I have voiced are primarily of an applied nature and can not be used linearly for each company The most important principle is that you must use the principle of raising capital by years and segments and financial instruments. Every six months or a year, you need to have a new round of raising capital into your current business. Every six months or a year! It's like a coffee machine that prepares you coffee. You must have your own investment coffee machine. If you are an entrepreneur, then you must expand your business into goals by year and by capital in directions and markets. I often hear such words from entrepreneurs: "I'm interested in this and this and that does not interest me." A deliberately losing position. Once you told yourself this,
eurs do not know the capital markets, do not understand them and are afraid. But my advice to you is to use the principle of attracting capital by years and segments, and your life will change. Go take the textbooks and teach. it's not the 20th century. Here's how I think the cycle of development work for the company, which I call 10 -10 (ten to ten), should look like, First you create a basis for attracting new investors to the project and offer them 10% of your current business, where you include your strategy "10-10", then you create an acceleration team inside the company and they, under your mentorship and a team of experts, come up with a new young leader , with new opportunities and a new team and you give this startup life, investing 10% in creating documents and a team that would give an opportunity to raise capital from new investors. In turn, inside your current team there should always be a clear plan, how much money you still need to attract to your business, to grow 5-fold in the coming year. This is the goal you should set! 5 times! Below, I laid out a chart of one successful English company, which already uses my principle.

Let's study this principle in more detail. You should understand that the fund-raising system is the same process and it involves not only your desire, but what I wrote earlier - computer analysis of similar transactions and markets is now a new direction - data processing. In such start-ups, investors are already investing millions of dollars. You have not invested yet? Think about it. Before creating such a plan for raising capital, you must develop a system using computer (computer) analysis and make the best decision for the development of your company based on similar transactions and your market or neighboring market, etc. This can not be done by the thought of one person. You must do it PROCESS. You have not yet made a move, have not yet raised the first capital, but you already know how much you need in a year in the second round and how much will probably be needed in the third round and at the expense of what financial instruments or crypto currency you will do it.
This is what this process looks like:
The investment idea of your business is a new round of raising capital - a new team; new market, new leader.

And it repeats itself. I omit and do not write much here, such as the costs of teams and your capital raising system, and on your system, the selection of projects and leaders, your value system and PR and IR, and so on and so forth. All that you get from me, I give you a direct direction how to make your company a leader, using my first principle - the principle of raising capital by years and segments and financial instruments. And now imagine, for 2 years you have three or four different projects and each raises the capital, has its investors, without loading your current business with restrictions and guarantees.
I'll be glad if this article helps you and you can achieve an outstanding result ..
Your Slav L